Unit-E Dance Team / Youth Worship Team

The Elijah Generation — A Generation of Excellence!
"I will send you the prophet Eliyahu before the great and dreadful day
of the L-rd. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to children, and the
hearts of children to their own fathers."
Here are some videos of our performances, from Sarasota, FL, MJAA & R2J /
Road to Jerusalem Conferences in Orlando, FL; Tampa, FL; Charlotte, NC;
Branson, MO; Hampton, VA; Denver, CO; Los Angeles, CA; MJAA NWR, SER...
Note!! These are very large files! It is highly recommended you *download* the videos, by right-clicking on the links and choosing Save Target/Link As..., instead of trying to play them online. Most media players have to download the whole video first before playing it anyway... However, if you know that you have a program which will in fact stream the video (the free VLC Media Player for example), then simply right-click on a video and choose Copy Shortcut, and paste that address/URL into your program's "Open URL/Address/Network Stream" menu option.
MJAA SE Regional
Orlando, FL — December 21-22, 2013
We Love Israel
Sarasota, FL — January 27, 2013
MJAA SE Regional
Orlando, FL — December 23, 2012
Celebrate Israel
St Pete, FL — April 28, 2012
MJAA SE Regional Conference
Orlando, FL — December 19, 2011
MJAA SE Regional Conference
Orlando, FL — December 18, 2010
PK/R2J Conference
Orlando, FL — August 28, 2010
PK/R2J Conference
Hampton, VA — April 10, 2010
MJAA Southeast Regional Conference
Orlando, FL — December 19, 2009
R2J Conference
Boulder, CO — August 1, 2009
Bless Israel Event
Tampa, FL — February 22, 2009
R2J Conference
Charlotte, NC — November 8-9, 2008
Dance Videos
Worship Videos
R2J Conference
Tallahassee, FL — September 5-6, 2008
Dance Videos
R2J Conference
Charlotte, NC — November 8, 2007
R2J Conference
Branson, MO — August 16-17, 2007
Dance Videos
(Including the infamous CD-skipping Mashav Ruach... viewer be warned!)
R2J Conference
Hampton, VA — July 20-21, 2007
Dance Videos
R2J Conference
Denver, CO — October 21-22, 2006
Dance Videos
(These videos turned out dark, but hopefully you can still see the dances)
R2J Conference
Hampton, VA — July 21-22, 2006
Dance Videos
A testimony from Rebetzin Barbara Carlson, referring to our Sh'ma Elohai war-scene & dance in the Main Session:
"Here's the testimony:
A lady came up to me on Saturday and wanted to know if I was a part of the team that did the Israeli War Dance. I said no but I do know them. She said she wanted you (the team) to know something, that her husband received such a healing from the Israeli war dance. He had been in Iraq in the war and had been back in the U.S. for several years and had a lot of anger and hidden emotions (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) of which he had received professional counseling which didn't work. But when he watched the war dance he broke down in tears and something broke inside of him, something that previously could not be penetrated and he was healed!!!!!
Baruch HaShem,
I Pray this was a blessing to you and your team!!
In His Love, Barb!"
R2J Conference
Los Angeles, CA — January 20-21, 2006
Unit-E with R2J @ OneThing 2005
Kansas City, Misouri — December 31, 2005
Unit-E at the UF CPA
Gainesville, Florida — December 15, 2005
Unit-E in Israel
Karmiel, Israel — July 2005
Dance Videos
Unit-E @ R2J Orlando
Orlando, Florida — June 2005
Dance Videos
Unit-E @ Karmiel, Israel
July 2004
Dance Videos
Chayalim Shel Mashiac @ MJAA NWR
Portland, OR — February 15, 2003
Promise Keepers Conference
Phoenix, AR — February 18-20, 2003
Before Unit-E was formed, we had a father & sons dance team called Chayelim Shel Mashiach ("Soldiers of Messiah"), and some of those dancers were able to learn and participate in two dances ("Baruch Adonai" and "Jew and Gentile") performed on stage at the Bank One Ballpark stadium for the Promise Keeper's "Come Near to Me" conference for pastors.
A picture of Joe, Joseph, Keith (Jr.), and Daniel, with Murray Silberling and
a few of his guys, dancing "Jew and Gentile".