
Welcome to the Kol Simcha Youth page, a page directed at our youth, the youth of Generation Now!
The Calling
Are you pumped? You should be! Generation Now has been CALLED OUT! It's your time to take hold of the calling of G-d in your life and run with it. You have been called for such a time as this, destined from the beginning of time, by G-d, to set the standard for the world. Remember, Excellence is not an act, it's a habit! Be excellent in everything you do and do it as unto the L-rd, with all of your heart!
The Challenge
- Are you being mentored by the Holy Spirit daily? Which means you are in the word of G-d with a plan to study deeply daily, NO QUESTIONS.
- Are you walking out a lifestyle of Praise and Worship everyday? Being in a posture and attitude of Praise and Worship no matter the circumstances.
- Are you living in Holiness and Purity in all that you say, do, and think? Making covenants with the L-rd and your body, soul, and spirit, to be pure at all costs in every way.
- Are prayer and intercession being born out of your lifestyle of worship? Is prayer, deep prayer, and intercession coming forth through the leading of the Spirit as you worship.
- Are you STRIVING to build relationships across the congregation, the movement, the world, and the generations for the support and edification of the body?
- Are you speaking only good, and not evil about your peers, leaders, and elders? Is your tongue being used for blessing or cursing? Are you striving to support and build up ALL of the people in your sphere of influence? Are you putting away all gossip and slander?
- Are you exercising Y'shua's model of going to the person that offended you and speaking ONLY with them? Are you approaching those whom you know you have offended to make things right (Matthew 5)? Are you CONSTANTLY walking in forgiveness, grace, deference, humility, patience, respect, love, obedience, and a commitment to do what is right and make people whole no matter what?
These things and more you all have said you do and walk in, therefore we must all hold each other accountable for them. Talk is cheap Generation Now, let's get it on!